Advanced Security For Advanced Threats
On the sixth day of Christmas Nanorisk sent to me...FREE Cybersecurity Tools🎁🎄
Nessus: it scans for security vulnerabilities in devices, applications, operating systems, cloud services and other network resources.
🌟UDP-Proto-Scanner: this tool is utilised in the host-discovery and service-discovery phases of a pentest. It proves beneficial in identifying hosts exclusively providing UDP services and facing robust firewall protection.
☃️Foca: used mainly to find metadata and hidden information in the documents it scans. Documents may be on web pages and can be downloaded and analysed using this tool.
🎅Postman: it's an API platform designed for building and utilising APIs, it simplifies every stage of the API lifecycle. Enhancing collaboration, it accelerates the process, enabling you to create superior APIs swiftly.
#cybersecuritytools #nanoriskxmas #securityvulnerabilities #cloud #network #pentesting #firewall #API