9 Cybersecurity Hacks you've probably never heard of...

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9 Cybersecurity Hacks you've probably never heard of...

1️. BlueBorne is a vulnerability that allows attackers to remotely take control of Bluetooth-enabled devices without any interaction from the user. This attack can spread from device to device, creating a "worm" effect

2️. BadUSB is a type of attack where a USB device, once plugged into a computer, the device can execute keystrokes or commands without the user's knowledge.

3️. Rowhammer is a hardware-based attack that exploits a vulnerability in Dynamic Random-Access Memory chips. By repeatedly accessing specific memory rows, attackers can cause bit flips in neighbouring rows, potentially leading to data corruption or privilege escalation.

4️. Thermal Imaging Attacks: Thermal imaging attacks exploit the heat emitted by keyboards to capture keystrokes and reconstruct typed passwords or sensitive information. This technique can be used to remotely eavesdrop on users without physical access to their devices.

5️. Acoustic cryptanalysis is a side-channel attack that exploits sound emissions produced by electronic devices during cryptographic operations. By analysing these acoustic signals, attackers can recover encryption keys or other sensitive information.

6️. Power analysis attacks involve monitoring the power consumption of a device during cryptographic operations to extract sensitive information, such as encryption keys. Variations in power consumption can reveal details about the underlying cryptographic algorithms.

7️. Van Eck Phreaking is a form of eavesdropping that involves intercepting electromagnetic radiation emitted by electronic devices, such as computer monitors, to reconstruct on-screen images or text. This technique allows attackers to remotely capture sensitive information without physical access to the device.

8️. A Biosphere Attack targets the BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) firmware of a computer, infecting it with malicious code that persists across operating system reinstalls and hard drive replacements. This type of attack can evade traditional security measures and be difficult to detect and remove.

9️. Firmware attacks target the firmware of devices, such as routers, printers, or IoT devices, to implant malware or modify device behaviour. Since firmware operates at a lower level than software, these attacks can be challenging to detect and mitigate.

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